Wednesday, November 27, 2013

New Years Plans~warped style

One of the things I have been trying to do is to find a way to keep everyone organized.  What works for me does not work for some or all.  My plan........yea.  Time to figure it out all again.  Does some of my organization work for me, if not FIX IT!   So, my plan....scour Pintrest!  YEA!!!  I have a dollar store a few blocks away, shopping areas close by.  I can and will do this (well, we can and will do this!) 

I do realize this IS Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for all that has happened this year.  It has been rough but we have survived!  We are still here and making it day to day.  I think I am going to propose "No electronics" day(s) or a weekend.  More Family Nights.  More togetherness (ok, cleaning lol)  I want more things, not materialistic but mental and physical bonds. 

What say you?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Warped Re-Do

Wow!  When I said there were going to be BIG changes, little did I know what exactly they would entail!  My Warped Husband has had some medical issues which are hopefully getting resolved now, we moved into a new Warped Household.  Then my Warped Phone lost all the pics I had taken of before pictures...sigh.  So I have some after pics (which are still in process)  This is the Warped Young Ones room.

As you can see, there is a few things left to be done.  I have been scouring Pintrest and My Warped Husband chose the argyle to do on the wall.  The Warped Young One's previous look of the room was blue and light blue with sponging and an Under the See wallpaper border.  Not the look a 12 year old wants to go for.  Well, the young one went away on a Church retreat over the weekend (and not realizing I worked ALL weekend) I said "HEY, lets redo his room!!!"  Thank goodness the Warped Hubby and the Warped Twins picked up the ball and did ALL of the room!!!  The little I did do does not even count!!!  When the Young One came home he was speechless!!  Warped Mission accomplished!