Monday, February 22, 2016

warped yard

What a glorious weekend we had!  It was warm (first time in...a long time!)

I found a fire wood storage solution on Pintrest that I had to try!

How nice it turned out!  I cannot wait to have some bon fires!

Of course I do not have a before of around the tree, but lets say, it looks MUCH better!  LOL!  I promise better before pics next time!  No more yard work this week, it is going to be too chilly!!  So next time my warped friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A warped new year

Happy New Year to you all!
A) 66 days till the first day of spring = cruising around Pintrest for garden ideas
B) Decluttering in process, lots to Goodwill and trash. Try to plan for a yard sale....
C) Creating a list of to-do's for the spring and summer!!